Empowering the next generation of talent.

We're bridging the gap between young talent and the professional workforce.

Find opportunites and get real-world experience.

Find your next job, get advice and resources, and build your talent network.

Search for jobs by title, location, company, and job type. If you find any jobs you're interested in, you can save them so you can view them later.

Access the largest network of teenage talent in the world.

Summer interns, part-time employees, research assistants. We're here to help you find the right talent for your comany and help students find opportunities.


Understand how your posts are performing and who your audience is.

See detailed analytics on who and how many people view your and how they interact with your posts. Follow up with candidates who have applied to your jobs.

Job Listing

Post jobs and find the right candidates.

For a small fee, you can post job listings and find the right candidates.

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Find your internship or job for free today, or list your company and jobs today.

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Simple predictable, pricing.

We charge a flat fee per job post and the option to promote your listing for a premium.

Job Post

A single job post that will be listed for 30 days.


  • Unlimited job posts and applications
  • Analytics on your job post, including views, clicks, and applicants
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Premium Job Post

A single job post that will be listed for 30 days and promoted to the top of the job board.


  • Unlimited job posts and applications
  • Premium listings get 10x more impressions than free listings
  • Analytics on your job post, including views, clicks, and applicants
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A monthly subscription to meet your company's teen hiring needs.

Contact us

  • Unlimited premium job posts
  • Custom branding and outreach to potential candidates
  • Analytics on your job post, including views, clicks, and applicants
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Frequently asked questions

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, email our support team and we'll get back to you.

    • Why do I need Teen Talent to find talent or a job?

      Before Teen Talent, there was no straightforward way for teenagers to find job opportunities, or for companies to find hard-working teens. We're bridging the gap to connect businesses and teens.

    • Why should I as a company pay for teenage candidates?

      We have a network of highly motivated and engaged teens who are eager to learn new skills and gain experience. They are a valuable asset to any company, working just as hard as adults. We price our service at its worth.

    • Do you handle job applications and the hiring process?

      We don't currently handle the application process, as there is already a lot of software that solves this problem. If your company doesn't use hiring software, you can enter your company email to allow applicants to email you their applications.

    • How do I find a job on Teen Talent?

      We'll match you with opportunities based on your interests and skills, and send you an email each week. You can also search for jobs by title, company, workplace type, and employment type.

    • I don’t have skills yet, how can I get a job?

      Don't worry! We have guides on almost everything related to applying, networking, and working in our playbooks section. Companies look for teens with enthusiasm and motivation to learn. As long as you bring your best effort, you'll learn most of the skills you need on the job.

    • How can I get a job if I don’t live near a city?

      We’ve got remote jobs and internships exactly for this purpose. You can work from home and get real-world experience.

    • How old do I have to be to use Teen Talent?

      You have to be 13 years old to use Teen Talent as that’s the youngest you can legally work in the US.

    • Are all the jobs on Teen Talent paid?

      Some of the jobs listed on Teen Talent are paid jobs, however there are also unpaid job opportunities and internships listed.