Theo Tarr



Learn about our mission.


Learn about our story.


Our mission at Teen Talent is to empower and inspire the next generation by connecting them with valuable work experiences and opportunities that foster personal growth, financial independence, and skill development. We strive to be the go-to platform for teenagers to find and apply for jobs, internships, and volunteer opportunities that match their unique interests, skills, and schedules. We are dedicated to providing a safe and user-friendly platform that empowers the youth to take their first step towards a successful future.


Hey! I'm Theo, a 16 year old from New York City.

I started Teen Talent because I wanted to help my friends and other teenagers find opportunities that they wouldn't otherwise have access to. Over the summer of 2022, I worked as a software engineering intern at a niche tech company called Vestaboard. I was given the opportunity completely out of luck to experience what it's like to work at a tech company and have real responsibilities other than school. Hopefully my teachers aren't reading this, but working at a tech company is actually easier and more fun than school.

I originally came up with the idea after my summer internship was over because I was talking to a few friends about how they spent their summers. I realized that for 99% of teenagers across the US, it was almost impossible to find a job or internship at a non-entry-level position. I wanted to change that.