Theo Tarr

Getting a Work Permit

What is a Work Permit?

A work permit, also known as a working paper or employment certificate, is a legal document that allows minors under the age of 18 to work. While the federal government doesn't require work permits or age certificates for minors to be employed, many states have their own regulations.

In some states, minors need to obtain a work permit or age certificate before they can start working. These certificates are issued by the state's Department of Labor or other authorized agency. If a state doesn't have a specific requirement for work permits, the Department of Labor can issue an age certificate upon request from the minor's employer.

The main purpose of work permits and age certificates is to protect both the minor and the employer. By obtaining these documents, minors can prove their eligibility to work and ensure that they are not exploited or subjected to hazardous working conditions. Employers, on the other hand, can avoid legal prosecution and penalties for hiring underage workers.

Do I Need a Work Permit and How Do I Get One?

The US Department of Labor has a list of states that require minors to obtain a work permit or age certificate before they can start working. Check your state's requirements here. You'll find the necessary forms and instructions on how to apply for a work permit or age certificate.